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March, 2011


Oh…Look what we uploaded about Peacock & Gamble Emergency Broadcast

That’s it really.

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New One Out Now for t’ put in your skull.

Oh ‘ello there laddie.  ’tis Ed Gamble here.  Ray Peacock can’t write this today, so I have decided to do it in his blunt and gritty Northern style.telling you that there is a brand spanking t’new Peacock & Gamble Podcast out now on iTunes and t’website Chortle.  Chortle is a website run by a backward [...]

New one out today

Hello everyone It is Ray’s mum here.  Sorry that this update is coming a bit late but I have told Ray off about keep making fun of me in the podcast and sent him to his bedroom.  So he is too busy doing all hard work now as a punishment (see below) to do the [...]

Brand New Podcast Out Now

Oh, hey there you guys. We just wanted to let you know that there is a podcast out right now for you to do a listen at with your head holes.  It is available off iTunes and Chortle like always you fucking idiot.  It is episode 61 I reckon so that is a good anniversary [...]