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January, 2011

Twitter thing

The Peacock & Gamble Emergency Broadcast is on Twitter.  It is @PGEBLIVE .

Ray is on Twitter.  It is @RayPeacock.

Ed is on Twitter.  It is @EdGambleComedy

The top one is the main one today.

View on Youtube


Here is a sneak-peek photo of Ray & Ed in a scene together from a pilot programme they filmed late last year.  Why not think of some captions on the forum for it and the best one wins

Thank You Sexy

Genuine thank you to all who took the time to vote for us in the Chortle awards. It was no doubt in vain but can anything that makes you feel closer to us really be that? xxx

Last Chance to vote and Tour news

As you know we are the main nominees for the Best Internet Show at the 2011 Chortle Awards.  Here is what we will look like if we win it: Unfortunately we need you to vote for us rather than them just giving it us, which seems a bit silly given that we are the most [...]

Podcast nominated for Chortle award…vote for it.

Hello everybody (not everybody really, just people reading this.  So probably not Paula Abdul, who would need to be included if it were everybody.  But hello Paula anyway.) So, the bloody podcast that you all love has been nominated for a Chortle award, which is a bit like an Oscar definitely.  It is nominated in [...]

Happy 1 and 1 and 1 and 1 day

Yep it is the New Year which is 1996 or something - certainly high up in the numbers by now. More importantly, you may have noticed that Ray has been plugging today’s date with great subtlety for quite a long time - yep it is 1/1/11 or 1 and 1 and 1 and 1. Ray [...]