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Easter Competition and thank you

Hello everybody.

What better way to celebrate all that god stuff whatever it is for easter than with a great competition.

The other day on the train I done this portrait (below) on my iPodPad.  Ed said it was ridiculous and that nobody would possibly think it was him, but I maintained that it was accurate.  You can hear our argument at the beginning of next Monday’s podcast, but for now, WHO DO YOU THINK IT IS?

Have a right good look at it and then have a guess on the forum.  There might be a prize (doubtful but possible).

And also, genuine thanks to everyone who has been so giving of their time in promoting our stuff this week in the P&G Army.  It has been real-life overwhelming and we are very, very grateful for your support.  If you’ve not done nothing yet then shame on you and get on the forum and blooming well join in.

Have a nice long weekend



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