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February, 2011

Brand New Podcast by Royal Appointment

Oh Hello there and caviar - it’s The Queen here.  I am here to tell you I am doing a massive laugh at the brand new Peacock & Gamble Podcast, available on iTunes and Chortle like normal.  What I usually do is download it and listen to it in the the bath whilst a slave washes all the gunk off my back.

Anyway, get it or I will chop your head off.  Here is a picture of me singing Ho by Ludacris.

Love from The Queen

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Pre-Armageddon Podcast

Yes that is right - the final podcast before we ruin our careers in the first Peacock & Gamble Emergency Broadcast on Thurs is out NOW. As usual it is free on iTunes and chortle, and there are a few tickets left for the Emergency Broadcast if you want to witness a once-promising showbiz career [...]

Oooooh Happy Valentine’s Thing Podcast

Hello nice sex friend Special Valentine’s* Peacock & Gamble Podcast out now all free on iTunes and chortle.  Go on a date with it to a posh restaurant and then give it a rose and a chocolate. It genuinely could be ‘the one’… Here is a picture of a sexy lady doing a rehearsal: love [...]

Just in case you thought it was made up…

And yes…that bloke is rather sinister… I am not certain he didn’t sexually assault me but I probably blocked it out.

New Podcast for you

Hooray and high five and a cuddle - there is a new podcast come out today on iTunes and chortle all for free.  Well, we say it is on iTunes but apparently they have changed all their settings so it may take a bit longer to get on there but we would ask that if [...]

New run of episodes starts on Monday!

Happy news for everybody that the podcast (Peacock & Gamble one) revs up its sexy engine again on Monday (7/02) for another run of episodes, which will be as long as we decide it shall be.  Also on that Monday night is the announcement that we have won the Chortle Award for Rear of the [...]

Screening and Feedback Sesh

Oh hello again. Right we are going to be screening the short pilot that we made immediately after the Peacock & Gamble Emergency Broadcast on the 24th February at Kings Place.  This will form part of a feedback session about the Emergency Broadcast where you will be able to shout at Ray and Ed and [...]