As most of you will definitely know if you are decent people, we are doing another idiot show in Edinburgh this year. But first, we must struggle and learn what a joke is all over again, and get used to not bumping into eachother on stage in shows that we like to call “previews”. We hope to see some/all/everyone in the world at one of them at least. This is when and where they are….
Monday July 1st: Camden Etc Theatre, London, 7.30pm (www.etceteratheatre.com)
Tuesday July 2nd: XS Malarkey, Jabez Clegg, Manchester (www.xsmalarkey.com)
Friday July 5th, Pleasance Islington, London (www.pleasance.co.uk/islington)
Wednesday July 10th, Court Theatre, Tring (www.courttheatre.co.uk)
Thursday July 11th, Pleasance Islington, London (www.pleasance.co.uk/islington)
Monday 15th July, BikeShed Theatre, Exeter (www.bikeshedtheatre.co.uk)
Tuesday 16th July, Leicester Square Theatre, London (www.leicestersquaretheatre.com)
Wednesday 17th July, Battersea Arts Centre, London (www.bac.org.uk)
Thursday 25th July, Lost Theatre, Stockwell (www.losttheatre.co.uk)