This week in the press…the P&G Buzz grows…
So you are probably thinking - this BUZZ for the new show is mental, it can’t possibly get any more bigger as a buzz…
Well you would be wrong because here is a load more buzz/Press articles from the last week:
Ray does an article about the return of the podcast and all the back story of it HERE
The Sun Newspaper forget all that fuss when they shouted at Ray for doing comedy in Broadmoor, and do an interview with P&G HERE
Ed tells a bloke about the bits we aren’t doing in the show this year, and tells a lie about Naughty Keith HERE
Ray does a bit of Naughty Keith for you and it all goes wrong HERE
Chortle tell everyone that they are wrong not to think we are brilliant HERE
And Finally - in case you missed it - Last week saw the WORLD PREMIERE of LIVE VENTRILOQUISM on Twitter with @raypeacock and @naughty_Keith - you can read it HERE