Hello anyway

Right, so the Peacock & Gamble show at Leicester has unfortunately had to be changed to Ray doing his solo show, “HERE COMES TROUBLE”. Ed has been poorly and is now proper poorly so Ray has to go and do it on his own even though he thought he had another week left to prepare it so please keep that in mind.

Ed’s solo show at 9pm has been cancelled as it would just be an empty stage, and whilst that would probably be better it isn’t really fair on the girls that like to look at him. Tickets for Ed’s solo show are now good for Ray’s solo show though so you could come and have a look at Ray for a change ladies?

Obviously there is the option for refunds for tickets from either show as we are very aware that there will be crossover between them.

Ray Peacock - Here Comes Trouble. Live at the Belmont Hotel, Leicester - 11pm tonight , 4/2/12 and next week at 9.15pm on 11/2/12.

Ed is very sorry and has sent this picture of himself even though he is ill.